Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas Blog Post #1: Thanks Mom & Dad

On this first day of December I've decided to blog every day until Christmas. First post topic:


As I get older, my appreciation for my parents grows. Daddy passed away in 2007 and Mom suffers from Alzheimer's Disease and doesn't know us anymore. The days when I could pick up the phone and call them or make the 700 mile drive for a visit are gone. Which means I treasure the memories we made together of Christmases long ago.

Today I want to say "thank you" to my Dad and Mom for instilling in me the true reason we celebrate Christmas. From the moment I was born my parents taught me about Jesus Christ. They read the Christmas story to me. They took me to church where the birth of Jesus was celebrated through song, plays, and pictures. Santa Claus was never too great in our holiday traditions and I never succumbed to the idea that Christmas was all about the presents.

I don't know how old I was when I understood that December 25th was not actually the day Jesus was born. I had also come to realize that it probably hadn't snowed in Bethlehem or that the wise men didn't arrive until well after Jesus' birth day. The stable was most likely a cave and the manger probably didn't look like the cute little wooden one my husband made for our front yard display.

Does any of that matter?

Not to me and I'll touch on some of those topics in the days to come. Christmas is so much more than the materialistic, controversial holiday it's become. I've shared on this blog many times how I truly came into my faith as a 28-year-old adult. The faith of my parents and the faith I'd enjoyed as a child was not enough. I had to find Jesus on my own. I did and I've never looked back.

As we go into this new Christmas season, I'll share about some of our traditions and my memories. But none of it would be possible if not for my parents faith which they shared with me and my siblings.

THANK YOU, MOM & DAD!! Merry Christmas!

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