Thursday, February 23, 2017

Confessions of a Newbie Author

One week!

Just one week until The Planter's Daughter officially releases and goes out into the world! I received my proof copies (to read through one. last. time before going to print!) and I can't tell you how thrilling it was to actually hold my book in my hands!! I won't go so far as to liken it to holding one of my babies for the first time---nothing can ever come close to that amazing event!---but it was one of those moments in life I hope I never forget.

But I have to be honest with you. I'm a little scared about this whole letting-the-public-read-my-book thing. Okay, okay. I'm terrified! I know millions of authors have done it in the past, and I know millions more will do it in the future. My book isn't anything special when it comes to the vast number of books that have been published. It's just that this particular author has never let too many people read her stuff, so it's kinda scary realizing that people who don't know me and my heart are going to be reading--and judging--this book. Yes, blogging about walking in The Way opens a door for criticism, but somehow the release of my book is different. I poured my heart into this book, so I'm feeling a little vulnerable. My hope and prayer is it will be well received, but ultimately I have to simply leave it in God's capable hands. He is the one who set me on this path many years ago, and He is the one who has a plan and a purpose for me and my writing.

So I thought I'd give you a peek into my brain (I know ... that's a scary thought, eh?!) and let you in on how you can help a newbie author:

  • Buy the book. Yeah, that seems kinda obvious, but the reality is a new author doesn't have a built-in audience in their pocket like multi-published authors. There is a saying in publishing that goes something like, "If a first book doesn't sell well, there won't be a second book." Fortunately, I have already signed the contract for the second book in The Women of Rose Hill series and turned in the manuscript to my editor, so I know there will be a second book, scheduled for release in November 2017. And fortunately I've signed a contract with Barbour Publishing for a novella that will come out in early 2018. God has truly been good to me this year! BUT book sales figures matter to a publisher, current and future. My publisher, LPC Books, is actually a ministry, so they don't have a big budget like many other larger publishers. They take a huge risk each time they publish a book, especially for us newbies. So please, buy the book! I would greatly appreciate it!
  • Tell your friends and family about the book. Statistics reveal that word of mouth is the number one way word gets to readers about a book. If you follow me on social media, share my posts about the book, promotions, giveaways, etc. Anything to help get the word out is deeply appreciated! If you are in a book club, suggest my book. I'd love to participate through live chat or come to the club if it's within driving distance. 
  • Post a review on Amazon and Goodreads.  Reviews are vital to a book's life. Even short reviews like, "I enjoyed this book" help! The more reviews a book has, the more visibility it gets. I realize not everyone is going to love my book, but I think most people can find something redeeming in the story to comment on. 
  • Lastly, pray for me and my book. My deepest desire for The Planter's Daughter is that ultimately it will glorify God! There are themes and scenes throughout the book that reveal how each of us is in need of a Savior. It isn't a "preachy" or "religious" book, but my hope is the trials and tribulations the characters go through will shine a light on the power of God and how it can heal and release each of us from bondage, whatever that bondage may be.  
So there you have it. Confessions of a newbie author. I truly am excited to share Adella & Seth's story with the world! I hope you fall in love with them in the same way I did while writing the novel. Click here or on the link on the side panel to order a print or electronic copy. To read more about The Planter's Daughter and why I wrote the book, click HERE.

Thanks for stopping by the blog! Have a blessed day!


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