Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Blog Post #13: RE-Gifting!

Okay. I have a confession. I have re-gifted gifts! No, no, of course not the one YOU gave me! ;)

Re-gifting is not a sin to me. It's economical. It's sensible. If I am not going to use a particular gift I've received, what benefit is there to hanging on to it?

The past few Sunday's our pastor has been talking about about Re-Gifting. He's been using 1 Peter 4:10 as a point of reference:

"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms."

What Pastor Joe Champion of Celebration Church is saying is RE-gift your gift! We've all been given gifts by God to be used for HIS purposes. Some people teach. Some people can build things. Some people are ministers of music. Some have the gift of hospitality. Lots and lots of different gifts for lots and lots of different people.

Use 'em!

Share 'em!

RE-GIFT 'em!

You know I will! =D

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